Hadith on Adhan: The Call to Prayer and Declaration of Faith

đź“–Sahih Muslim 379
Abu Mahdhura said that the Messenger of Allah (ď·ş) taught him Adhan like this: Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest; I testify that there is no god but Allah, I testify that there is no god but Allah; I testify that Muhammad Is the Messenger of Allah, I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and it should be again repeated: I testify that there is no god but Allah, I testify that there is no god but Allah; I testify that Muhammad Is the Messenger of Allah, I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Come to the prayer (twice). Come to success (twice). Ishaq added: Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest; there Is no god but Allah.

  • The phrase “there is no god but Allah” in the Adhan means that there is no deity worthy of worship except for Allah. This declaration of faith is the central tenet of Islam, and it affirms the belief in the oneness of God. By saying “there is no god but Allah,” Muslims affirm their belief in the unity of God and reject the worship of any other deities or idols. It is worth noting that in Islam, the word “god” (with a lowercase “g”) is not used to refer to Allah, as it is considered disrespectful. Instead, the word “God” (with an uppercase “G”) is used when referring to Allah in English. This phrase is also a testimony of faith in the prophethood of Muhammad, as he is recognized as the final messenger of Allah. The Adhan, or call to prayer, is an important ritual in Islam, and it is recited to announce the time for prayer and to call believers to worship.