Black Magic In Hindu Dharma

The utilization of black magic, as depicted in Hindu scriptures, reveals a disturbing array of harmful and unethical practices that delve into the malevolent arts, aiming to manipulate, control, and harm others with negative intentions. Some of the consequences of practising black magic: Manipulation and Control: Black magic involves attempting to manipulate or control the will of others, disregarding their free choice and autonomy. It can be used to influence people’s emotions, thoughts, or actions against their will. Harmful Intentions: The use of black magic often stems from negative intentions, such as causing harm to enemies, rivals, or individuals one feels jealous of. It is driven by greed, anger, and jealousy, which are considered negative traits in Hindu philosophy. Exploitation of Vulnerability: Black magic is sometimes used to exploit vulnerable individuals, taking advantage of their fears or insecurities for personal gain or malicious purposes. Unintended Consequences: Practicing black magic can lead to unintended consequences and negative repercussions. The forces invoked through such practices may spiral out of control, causing harm to the practitioner or others.

2. Rituals Dealing With Love and Relationship

Jealous wife’s incantation on a rival,

📖Atharva Veda 3.18.1-6
From out the earth I dig this Plant, and herb of most effectual power, Wherewith one quells the rival wife and gains the husband for one’s self. Auspicious, with expanded leaves, sent by the Gods, victorious Plant, Drive thou, the rival wife away, and make my husband only mine. Indeed he hath not named her name: thou with this husband dalliest not, Far into distance most remote we drive the rival wife away. Stronger am I, O stronger one, yea, mightier than the mightier; Beneath me be my rival wife, down, lower than the lowest dames! I am the conqueror, and thou, thou also art victorious: As victory attends us both we will subdue my fellow wife. I’ve girt thee with the conquering Plant, beneath thee laid the mightiest one. As a cow hastens to her calf, so let thy spirit speed to me, hasten like water on its way.”  (source)

Charm against rival in love,

📖Atharva Veda 7.90.1-3
Tear thou asunder, as of old, like tangles of a creeping plant. Demolish thou the Dasa’s might. May we with Indra’s help divide the gathered treasure of the foe. I, by the law of Varuna, bring down thy pride and wantonness. Ut virga abeat et feminis innocua fiat, (virga) membri humidi, membri quod verberat penetratque, id quod tentum est laxa, id quod sursum tentum est deorsum tende.”  (source)

How to hypnotise a woman,

📖Dattatreva Tantra 8.1-16
”Mahadevji said (Hey Dattatreyji!) On Sunday, black dhatureko lata flowers, leaves and rooted, and camphor, saffron and gorochan mix tilak in it and apply on the forehead, then it also subjugates a woman like Arundhati. Kakjangha, Vach and Kutko (powder) mixed in your semen and blood, if you give food in the food, then there is amazing captivity. Kakjangha (Kauatd) is in awe. By putting a powder on the head of the woman by taking the same part of Chitki Bhasma, Vach, Kootha, Gorochan and cancer, it is wonderful captivating. On the day of Mars, the cloves are kept in the hole of the penis and on the day of Mercury, the woman whom she feeds it is subjected to. Keep the woman on Sunday, who makes the nails of the hands and feet. The same is subjugated. Giving the tongue, dirt, dirt, nakka dirt and ear dirt, giving it to the woman gives amazing captivity. Finding the owl bird by feeding meat is amazing captivating, know it. On the day, make a pupil with a dust of the woman’s left and put the woman’s hair in place of the pupil. Wrapped in blue cloth, add your semen in that pupil and bury it on the door. By crossing that place, the woman becomes subjugated by a man with wealth and soul, a grateful man enjoys such a woman and enjoys a long joy. On the day of Mars, a man subjugates women by applying a tilak to grind it. On Saturday, write the name of the woman on the lotus leaf with Gorochan, then the woman is surely subjected to applying her tilak. Jasmine flowers make light lights in cotton cloth, Venus in the o of the oil- Kajalo is in both the eyes, the strips are subjected to it, the day of the human skull, the lamp is fastened between the human skull, then it is my proven experiment, this is not the need of it. ‘On Namah Kamakshyaka’ ‘Swaha’ is a mantra of female education, it is proved by chanting Sawalakh. Iti Sridattatreayantre Dattatreyeshwar Samvade Streevashikaran Namashtam: Patal.” (source)

Charms to make a man fall in love with you,

📖Atharva Veda 6.130.1-4
This is the Apsaras’s love-spell, the conquering, resistless ones. Send the spell forth, ye Deities! Let him consume with love of me. I pray, may he remember me, think of me, loving and beloved. Send forth the spell, ye Deities! Let him consume with love of me. That he may think of me, that I may never, never think of him. Send forth the spell, ye Deities! Let him consume with love of me. Madden him, Marts, madden him. Madden him, madden him, O Air. Madden him, Agni, madden him. Let him consume with love of me.”  (source)

📖Atharva Veda 6.131.1-3
Down upon thee, from head to foot, I draw the pangs of longing love. Send forth the charm, ye Deities! Let him consume with love of me. Assent to this, O Heavenly Grace! Celestial Purpose, guide it well! Send forth the charm, ye Deities! Let him consume with love of me. If thou shouldn’t run three leagues away, five leagues, a horse’s daily stage, Thence thou shalt come to me again and be the father of our sons.”  (source)

Techniques to secure the love of a husband,

📖Agni Purana 302.7-18
The above Mantra sacred to the goddess Chamunda, should be deemed as the best of charms. A wife, should wash her vagina with the expressed juice of the drugs known as the Triphala, whereby she would be able to win her husband’s affections for good. Similarly a wife should apply over her private parts, a paste composed of Ashvagandha, barley, turmeric, camphor, Pippali, the eight sorts of grain known as the Ashtadhanya, Vrihati, and twenty black pepper, who would thereby retain the affection of her husband for the last day of her life…”  (source)

📖Garuda Purana Dhanvantari Samhita 203
A plaster composed of Samdhava, Krishna Lavanam, galls of fishes, and sugar pasted together with honey and clarified butter may be applied by a woman to her own private parts before sharing the bed of a man. The man, who will know her thus, will never visit any other woman in his life….”  (source)

📖Agni Purana 313.15-23
The same Mantra, repeated by a man or a wife at the time of sexual intercourse, would captivate his or her mind forever. A man, fondly looking at the nudity of a woman, or touching her while repeating the Mantra, is sure to enthral her mind for good…”  (source)

Techniques to secure the love of a woman,

📖Garuda Purana Chp 208
O thou supreme deity, O thou beloved of Parvati, let a man, during an act of sexual congress, take his own seed, and smear the left leg of the woman therewith with this left hand, whereby he is sure to bring her under his control. O thou supreme deity, the application of a plaster composed of pigeon’s dung and rock-salt pasted together with honey by a man, before an act of coitus, to his own reproductive organ, enables him to bring the woman under his control. Take five red flowers of different species, and Privangu, equal in weight with these flowers; and paste them together. The plastering of his reproductive organ with this paste, before an act of sexual union, gives a man the power of fascinating the woman.”  (source)

📖Atharva Veda 6.9.1-3
Desire my body, love my feet, love thou mine eyes, and love my legs. Let both thine eyes and hair, fond girl! be dried and parched. through love of me. I make thee hang upon mine arm, I make thee lie upon my heart. Thou yieldest to my wish, that thou mayst be submissive to my will. May they whose kisses are a bond, a love-charm laid within the heart, Mothers of butter, may the cows incline that maid to love of me.”  (source)

3. Rituals for War and Destroying Enemies

📖Dattatreya Tantra 2.14-15
Take the excrement of the enemy, put it in the skull of a man and bury it in the garden after writing its name, till the excrement dries up, the enemy dies for sure. Do not give this experiment to any human being.”  (source)

📖Atharva Veda 19.29.1-9
Pierce thou my rivals, Darbha, pierce the men who fain would fight with me. Pierce all who wish me evil, pierce the men who hate me. Amulet! Split thou my rivals, Darbha, etc. Check thou, etc. Crush thou, etc. Shake thou, etc. Bruise thou, etc. Burn thou, etc. Consume thou, etc. Slay thou my rivals. Darbha, slay the men who fain would fight with me. Slay all who wish me evil, slay the men who hate me, Amulet.”  (source)

📖Atharva Veda 16.7.1-13
With that I pierce him; with ill-success I pierce him; with extermination I pierce him; with calamity I pierce him; with seizure I pierce him; with darkness I pierce him. I demand against him with the terrible, cruel demands (praisa) of the gods. I set him in the two tusks of Vaicvanara. So, not so, may she swallow down. Who so hates us, him let [his] self (atman) hate; whom so we hate, let him hate (his self). Let us disportion our hater from heaven, from earth, from atmosphere. O thou of good ways (suyaman), of sight (caksusa). Now (idam) do I wipe off evil-dreaming on him of such-and-such lineage, son of such-and-such a mother. What I went at on such-and-such an occasion, what at evening, what in early night;- What when awake, what when asleep, what by day, what by night;- What day by day I go at, from that do I cut him off (ava-day). Him do thou smite, with him amuse thyself (and), his ribs do thou crush in. Let him not live; him let breath quit.”  (source)

📖Atharva Veda 19.28.1-10
0n thee I bind this Amulet for lengthened life and brilliancy. The rival-quelling Darbha grass that burns the spirit of a foe. Burning the spirit of the foe, vexing the heart of enemies. Darbha, on every side, like heat, inflame all evil-hearted men. O Darbha, burning round like heat, consuming foes, O Amulet,. Like Indra rending Vala cleave mine adversaries’ hearts in twain. Cleave through. O Darbha, Amulet, my foes, mine adversaries, heart. Rise thou and batter down their heads like growth that covereth the earth. Cleave thou my rivals, Darbha, cleave the men who fain would, fight with me. Cleave all who wish me evil, cleave the men who hate me,. Amulet! Wound thou, my rivals, Darbha, etc. Tear thou my rivals, Darbha, etc. How thou my rivals, Darbha, etc. Carve thou my rivals, Darbha, etc. Pierce thou my rivals, Darbha, pierce the men who fain would fight with me. Pierce those who wish me evil, pierce the men who hate me, Amulet!”  (source)

Formula for success in battle,

📖Agni Purana 135.1
I shall describe the garland of words of the formula that gives victory in the battle. Om hrim (Goddess) Camunda (having a terrific form)! One who dwells in the cremation ground! One who holds in hand the club with a skull at the top! One who is riding the terrific dead body (or the body in the form of universe at the time of deluge)! One who is surrounded by the great vehicle in the form of the decaying universe! The dark night at the destruction of universe! One who is surrounded by the great attendant gods! Goddess with a great mouth! Possessing several hands! (One who holds) the bell, the little drum and the small bell! One who has a terrific laughter! Kili kili Om hüm phat. One who makes (the world) dark by her fierce teeth! One who makes many kinds of sounds! One who is clad in the hide of an elephant! One who is besmeared with flesh! One whose terrific tongue is licking! The great demoness! One having the terrible teeth! One who has frightening roar of laughter! One who has the splendour of shining lightning! Move. Move. Om. One who has the eves like the Cakora (bird)! Cili Cili Om. One who has a lustrous tongue! Om bhim. One who has a frown on the face! One who frightens by uttering the syllable hum! One who wears the moon on the crown on her matted hair surrounded by the garland of skulls! One who has the terrific laughter! Kili kili om hrum. One who makes (the world) dark by her frightening teeth! One who destroys all obstacles! (Youm) accomplish this act. Om. Do it quickly. Om phat om subjugate with (your) mace. Enter. Om Dance. Dance.Shake. Om. Make (the enemies) move. Om. One who is fond of blood, flesh and intoxicating drink! Kill. Om trample. Om cut. Om kill. Om chase Om make the strong body (of the enemy) fall down…….Om kili kili om khili khili vili vili om. One who displays an ugly form! One whose body is enveloped by a black serpent! One who subjugates all planets! One who has a long lip! One whose nose rests on the frowning eyes! One who is having a frightful face! One having tawn matted hair! Brahmi! Break. One whose mouth emits flames! Yell. Om. Make (the enemies) fall down. Om. One having red eyes! Roll the earth. Make (them) fall. Om. Catch hold of the head. Close the eye. Om. Catch hold of the arms and feet. Split open the posture (of the hands). Om phat om. Pierce open. Om. Cut with the trident. Om kill with the mace. Om strike with the stick. Om. Cut with the disc. Om. Break with the spear………..Bind with the noose. Pierce with the goad. Stand for the moment. Om enter the circle (of enemies)! Om. Seize. Bind the face. Om. Bind the eyes, arms and feet. Bind the malefic planets. Om. Bind directions. Charm the cardinal points, the space below and all places. Om. Subjugate all with ashes or water or earth or mustard. Om. Make them fall. Om. (goddess) Camundal Kili kili am vice hum phat oblations. This is known as the garland of words that accomplishes all acts.”  (source)

4. Rituals to get Desires Fulfilled

Amulet for long life,

📖Atharva Veda 19.26.1-4
Gold that was born from Fire is immortal hath been deposited with mortal creatures. He who knows this deserves to own this jewel, and in extreme old age dies he who wears it. The men of ancient time with children round them longed for this Gold, bright with the Sun’s own colour, This shall endow thee, as it shines, with splendour, and long shall be the life of him who wears it. Long life and splendour let it bring energy and strength to thee. That thou mayst shine among the folk with all the brightness of the Gold. What Varuna the King knows well, and what the God Brihaspati, And Indra, Slayer of the Foe, may that bestow long life on thee, may that increase thy splendid strength.”  (source)

Method to get every desired thing,

📖Narada Purana 3.87.32-36
On the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight, during the pitch dark midnight, the devotee shall take bath and wear red garments, garlands and unguents. He must bring a woman of youthful charms to represent the deity Chinnamasta and worship her. She must be beautiful and capable of having intercourse with five men, be of smiling look and have her hair dishevelled. She should be made satisfied by offering her ornaments. She must be made naked and worshipped and then he must repeat the mantra ten thousand times. After giving her offering and spending the night she should be sent away fully contended with gifts of wealth. He shall then deef the brahmins with different kinds of food. In this manner, he shall attain good fortune, sons, grandsons, wealth, fame, good wife, longevity, happiness, virtue and desired things.”  (source)

Spell to make your wife pregnant,

📖Khadira Grihya Sutras 1.4.15-16
At the time of her courses he should touch with his right hand her secret parts with (the verse), ‘May Vishnu make thy womb ready’. When (that verse) is finished, he should cohabit with her, with (the verse), ‘Give conception’.”  (source)

5. Charm Against Evil Spirits

📖Atharva Veda 19.36.1-6
The Hundred-haired hath banished hence fiends and Consumptions by its might. With splendour hath the charm that scares demons of ill-name mounted up. It drives off demons with its horns and sorceresses with its root, It stays Consumption with its waist: from this no wickedness escapes. Consumptions, light and serious, and those which sounds accompany, All these the Amulet, Hundred-haired, scarer of fiends, hath banished hence. A hundred men hath it produced, hundred Consumptions chased away, All fiends of evil-name it hath smitten, and shakes the Rakshasas. The Bull that weareth horns of gold, this Amulet with hundred hairs, Hath cleft the demons of ill-name and overcome the Rakshasas. Hundred she-fiends, a hundred of Gandharvas and Apsaras, A hundred of dog-mated nymphs, keep away with Hundred- Hair”  (source)

6. Charms for Protection

📖Atharva Veda 19.27.1-14
Let the Bull guard thee with the kine, the Stallien with the fleet- foot steeds. Let Vayu keep thee safe with prayer, and Indra with his mighty power. Let6. Charms for Protection Soma guard thee with the plants, Surya protect thee with the stars; With breath let Wind protect thee, and the Moon, foe-slayer, with the months. Three are the earths, they say, and three the heavens, three are the atmospheres, and four the oceans. Threefold the hymn of praise, threefold the Waters. Let these with triple song and triplets guard thee. Three vaults of heaven, and three seas, three bright, three stationary ones, Three Matarisvans, and three suns, protectors, I arrange for thee. Increasing thee with butter I, Agni! with fatness sprinkle thee. Let not magicians harm the life of Agni or of Moon or Sun. Let not magicians mar your heat, your vital or diffusive breath. Brilliant and all-possessing Gods, run ye your course with God- like power. Fire they endow with vital breath, Wind is compact, with vital breath: With vital breath the Gods produced the Sun whose face turn every way. Live with the Life-Creators’ life. Die not, live on to lengthened age. The secret treasure of the Gods which Indra, by pathways travelled by the Gods, discovered, That gold the Waters with the triplets guarded. May they keep thee with three bold hymn and triplets. With friendly thoughts the Deities, three-and thirty, and three great Powers preserved it in the Waters. He made heroic powers with the gold that lies upon this Moon. O ye eleven Gods who are in heaven, accept this sacrifice. O ye eleven Gods who are in air, accept this sacrifice. O ye eleven Gods who are on earth, accept this sacrifice.”  (source)

📖Atharva Veda 19.38.1-2
Never Consumption, never curse touches the man, Arundhati! Whom the delicious odour of the healing Bdellium penetrates Consumptions flee apart from it as from a wild beast fly the deer. If thou, O Bdellium, art produced from Sindhu or hast come from sea, The quality of both have I taken to keen this man unscathed.”  (source)

7. Charms to get Success in Gambling

📖Atharva Veda 2.2.1-5
Lord of the World, divine Gandharva, only he should be honoured in the Tribes and worshipped. Fast with my spell, celestial God, I hold thee. Homage to thee! Thy home is in the heavens. Sky-reaching, like the Sun in brightness, holy, he who averts from us the Gods’ displeasure. Lord of the World, may the Gandharva bless us, the friendly God who only must be worshipped. I came, I met these faultless, blameless beings: among the Apsaras amd the Gandharva. Their home is in the sea, so men have told me, whence they come quickly hitherward and vanish. Thou, Cloudy! ye who follow the Gandharva Visva-vasu, ye, Starry! Lightning-Flasher! You, O ye Goddesses, I truly worship. Haunters of darkness, shrill in voice, dice-lovers, maddeners of the mind To these have I paid homage, the Gandharva’s wives, Apsaras.”  (source)