Hadith on Family: Good Conduct and Kindness to Family

📖Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2612
Narrated ‘Aishah: that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Indeed among the believers with the most complete faith is the one who is the best in conduct, and the most kind to his family.”

  • This hadith narrated by Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), highlights the importance of good conduct and kindness towards one’s family as an integral part of complete faith for a believer. The Prophet (peace be upon him) states that the believer with the most complete faith is the one who is the best in conduct, meaning that their behavior towards others is exemplary and in accordance with the teachings of Islam. This includes being kind, courteous, and respectful towards others. Furthermore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasizes the importance of showing kindness towards one’s family. This means treating them with love, care, and respect, and fulfilling their needs and rights. Being kind to one’s family is not only a religious obligation, but it also strengthens family ties and creates a harmonious atmosphere at home. Therefore, this hadith encourages Muslims to strive towards being the best in conduct and to show kindness towards their family as an essential part of their faith.