Hadith on Freewill: Intention and Action in Determining Deeds

📖Sahih Muslim 131 a
It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (ï·º) transmitted it from the Blessed and Great Lord: Verily Allah recorded the good and the evil and then made it clear that he who intended good but did not do it, Allah recorded one complete good in his favour, but if he intended it and also did it, the Glorious and Great Allah recorded ten to seven hundred virtues and even more to his credit. But it he intended evil, but did not commit it, Allah wrote down full one good in his favour. If he intended that and also committed it, Allah made an entry of one evil against him.

  • This hadith from Sahih Muslim 131a, narrated by Ibn Abbas, emphasizes the importance of intention and action in determining a person’s deeds recorded in their book of deeds by Allah. It shows that Allah records both good and evil deeds, and rewards or punishes accordingly based on a person’s intention and whether or not they act on that intention. This hadith indicates the great reward and blessing from Allah for those who perform good deeds with pure intentions, and the importance of self-restraint and self-control, even when one has the intention to commit an evil act. It highlights the concept of free will, as it suggests that our choices and actions are within our control, and that we have the power to make choices that determine our fate in the Hereafter. Overall, this hadith emphasizes the importance of intention and action in our daily lives and the consequences that come with them, and shows that Allah is just and merciful, rewarding even the smallest of good intentions and actions.