đź“–Sahih Muslim 1848 c
It has been narrated (through a different chain of transmitters) on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Whoever defects from obedience (to the Amir) and separates from the main body of the Muslim – and dies in that state – dies the death of one belonging to the days of jahiliyya. And he who is killed under the banner of a man who is blind (to the cause for which he is fighting), who gets flared up with family pride and fights for his tribe is not from my Ummah, and whosoever from my followers attacks my followers (indiscriminately) killing the righteous and the wicked of them, sparing not (even) those staunch in faith and fulfilling not his obligation towards them who have been given a pledge (of security), is not from me (i.e. is not my follower).
- This hadith promotes the idea of a just and cohesive society, where people live in harmony and work towards the betterment of all. It highlights the importance of respecting the lives and security of all people, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds. Therefore, people of all faiths and backgrounds can learn from this hadith and apply its teachings to their lives.
In conclusion, while the hadith is primarily addressed to Muslims, the universal principles it teaches can be applied to all people, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds. It promotes the idea of a just and compassionate society that upholds the values of unity, obedience to leaders, and respect for the lives and security of all.