The Meeting of Two Seas in the Quran and Science

đź“–Quran 55:19-20
He released the two seas, meeting [side by side]; Between them is a barrier [so] neither of them transgresses.

đź“–Quran 25:53
And it is He who has released [simultaneously] the two seas, one fresh and sweet and one salty and bitter, and He placed between them a barrier and prohibiting partition.

  • The phenomenon of the meeting of the two seas, as described in the Quran, is scientifically accurate. The point where two seas meet but do not mix is called a “halocline,” which is a boundary between water bodies of different salinity. The halocline can be seen in several locations around the world where a river flows into the ocean or two seas meet. One such location is the Gulf of Alaska, where the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Alaska meet. The two bodies of water have different densities, temperatures, and salinity levels, which prevent them from mixing. This creates a visible boundary where the two waters meet, and marine life can be seen thriving in each of the distinct water bodies. Therefore, the Quranic descriptions of the meeting of two seas and the placement of a barrier between them are in line with scientific understanding of this natural phenomenon.

Reference: What is a Halocline
Reference: Halocline – Wikipedia

Additional Information 

The Quran is considered to be a book of miracles due to its perceived ability to provide guidance, wisdom, and predict future events. Its eloquence and literary beauty are also considered to be miracles by many. Additionally, Muslims believe that the Quran contains scientific information that was not known at the time it was revealed and that this is evidence of its divine origin. This includes information on embryology, astronomy, and other fields of science, Muslims believe that the Quran’s preservation and the fact that it has remained unchanged for over 1400 years also constitutes a miracle.