Gods Fighting With Each Other In Hindusim

1. Brahma Vs Vishnu

📚Shiva Purana 1.6.6-11📚
Brahmä said:- Dear Visnu, know me to have come with the speed of the Time. I am to be honoured greatly. O dear one, I the protector of the world, Grandfather, your protector as well. O dear one, the whole universe is situated within me but your way of thinking is like that of a thief. You are born of the lotus sprung from my navel-region. You are my son. Your words are futile therefore. Nandikesvara said:- Arguing with each other like this, saying that each is better than the other and claiming to be the lord, they got ready to fight, like two foolish goats, desirous of killing each other. The two heroic deities, seated on their respective vehicles -the Swan and the Garuda, fought together. The attendants of Brahmã and Visnu also came into clash. In the meantime the different groups of Devas moving about in aerial chariots came there to witness the wonderful fight.”  (source)

2. Brahma Vs Shiva 

📚Varaha Purana 97.1-7📚
Varaha said: O Earth, now listen to the origin of Rudra Vrata, by knowing which one gets freed from all sins. The red-eyed and tawny coloured Rudra who was created by Brahma in his third birth, was borne by him in pleasure on his shoulder. When he was thus on the shoulder, the fifth head of Brahma told Rudra the Atharvan mantra by which release is obtained. ‘O Kapalin, Rudra, Babhru, Bhava, Kairata, Suvrata, my valiant and broad-eyed son, do protect this world’. When Rudra was thus addressed by the names which he would be getting in future he was angry at the word ‘Kapala’ used and clipped off that (fifth) head. The head was clipped off by the nail in the left thumb, but it got to the hand.”  (source)

All the Puranas agree that Shiva beheaded Brahma, but they differ on why it happened. In the verses you mentioned, it says Shiva got mad when Brahma called him Kapala. But in Kurma Purana 2.31.1-32  (source) , it says Shiva and Brahma were arguing about who’s more powerful, and Shiva, annoyed by Brahma’s arrogance, chopped off his head in anger.

In the Shiva Purana, there’s a story that mentions Shiva’s inclination to confront Brahma. This stems from an incident where Brahma, having cast a lustful gaze upon Shiva’s wife, faced consequences resulting from an inappropriate discharge of semen,

📚Shiva Purana📚
Lord Siva said:- O patriarch Daksa what has just been requested by Visnu my great devotee and agreed to by me shall be done here. “O lord, whoever stares at Sati lustfully shall be killed by you.” I shall make these words of Visnu true by killing Brahmä. Why did Brahmã stare at Sati lustfully? Moreover he has committed a sin by discharging his semen. Hence I shall kill him.”  (source)

📚Vamana Purana 2.35-37📚
Discerning forthwith the faces resembling the Sun, the face of Brahman remarked thus, ‘Bubbles are formed when water is disturbed, Is there any valour in them’? The great Sankara who was enraged to hear this severed with the tip of his nail the head of Brahman which had spoken to him rudely. Thus chopped, the head fell on the left paml of Sankara himself and never dropped down from his hand.”  (source)

📚Skanda Purana📚
Thereafter, O great king, a person should go to the highly splendid Tīrtha that destroys all the sins, on the southern bank of Narmadā. It is well known as Siddheśvara (Śuddheśvara) and is destructive of great sins. It was here that Maheśvara, the Lord of Devas, attained great sanctity. Earlier, O son of Kuntī, the Trident-bearing Lord of Devas had incurred the sin of Brāhmaṇa-slaughter. Formerly Brahmā, the grandfather of the worlds, had five heads. For some reason, a lie had been uttered by him. On hearing it, Parameśvara became furious with him immediately. The Lord then cut off his head with his Fingers (nails). The severed head stuck to his hand and never dropped down. Thereupon the Lord of the chiefs of Devas roamed all over the earth.”  (source)

📚Brahma Purana Gautami Mahatmya 43.19-23📚
He who sees only the head goes to the region of Brahma. The place where Rudra stood and cut off the head of Brahma is the holy centre Rudratirtha. The place where the Sun stays directly in the form of Devas is the excellent Saurya Tirtha. It is reputed as the bestower of benefits of all sacrifices. If one takes bath and visits the Sun, one does not take birth again. The fifth head of Brahma that was cut off by Mahadeva was installed in the holy centre Avimukta. By doing so he had done what is conducive to the welfare of Devas. If a brahmin-slayer visits the head in the holy centre Brahmatirtha and the skull of Brahma himself installed in the holy centre Avimukta on the banks of Gautami he becomes sanctified.”  (source)

📚Shiva Purana📚
The lord cut off the fifth head of Brahmā who stubbornly and repeatedly censured Śiva calling him “O son.””  (source)

3. Vishnu Vs Shiva

In another notable encounter between Shiva and Krishna, Shiva aligns himself with Kasiraja and faces defeat at the hands of Krishna. However, in the Skanda Purana, the narrative takes a different turn, portraying a battle between Shiva and Vishnu. The account unfolds with a king named Paundraka claiming to be Vasudeva, infuriating Krishna and prompting him to prepare for a confrontation against the imposter Vasudeva (Paundraka). King Paundraka finds support from his ally, the King of Kasi named Kasiraja, who, being a devotee of Shiva, seeks Shiva’s assistance in the battle against Krishna. Shiva agrees to help Kasiraja in this conflict,

📚Skanda Purana📚
Nila mountain is in the third Yojana (i.e. 3X12 Kms.). This is the holy spot of the Lord of Gauri named Ekamrakavana. Not far off, O king, is the place where, being afraid, he sought refuge. Indradyumna said: Why was the Lord of Gauri (Siva) frightened? With whom did he seek refuge?”  (source)

📚Skanda Purana📚
O king, many king ruled over that city. Formerly in Dvapara Yuga, there was a king there (commonly) called Kasiraja. By means of severe penance he propitiated Lord Sambhu with this aim in his mind: ‘I will excel in war Acyuta (Krsna), the conquerer of kings, the chief of whom is Jaraasandha.’ The Pinaka-bearing Lord (Siva) who was propitiated, granted him that boon: ‘O suppressor of enemies, you will conquer the Slayer of Kamsa in battle. For your sake I shall fight seated on my Bull, along with (my attendants) Pramathas…That Lord (Krsna) who is the immanent soul (of all), knew the incident of that sort, and sent his Discus for killing Kasiraja. The infuriated Discus that was very fierce in appearance, had the refulgence of a thousand suns. It knew the power of the mind of Visnu. It cut off the head of Kasiraja and burned to ash his army as well as that city. On seeing that extremely violent action Pasupati (Siva) became furious. Surrounded by his Ganas and seated on his Bull, the Pinaka-bearing Lord rushed at it. Then Sambhu looked at the Sudarsana Discus at the outset and discharged his Pasupata missile in front of it, like an ominous calamity. Formerly Sambhu had secured a boon from Visnu who had been pleased by his devotion: ‘On being remembered by you I shall invigorate your missile. But if you go against me, it will become lustreless (and ineffective.’ When this Pasupata missile which was (usually) terrible, became futile and when Varanis was burned, the Bull-bannered Lord became afraid. Then he eulogized the Primordial Purusottama, the cause of all the worlds.”  (source)

📚Skanda Purana📚
When (the Lord) who burned the Tripuras eulogized thus, Adhoksaja (Visnu) manifested himself after casting off the form of the Discus. His face (indicated that he was) delighted. The glorious Lord held the conch, the discus and the iron club. He was seated on Garuda as if on a lotus seat…Though he was an ocean of mercy, he spoke the husband of Girija (who was) firghteneed, as if he waas angry with him. Sri Bhagavan said: How has such an evil-mindedness beset you at this time? O Sambhu, for the sake of an insect (i.e. an insignificant) king, you have come to fight with me! How many examples of my power have not been known to you, O Durjati (Siva). It is true that your Pasupati missile cannot be vanquished by Suras and Asuras. The Discus is a form of my anger. I t cannot spare even you…Now if you wish to sport about with Gauri here for a long time, if you wish that this city of Varanasi should stay for a long time (do as follows). On the shore of the Southern Sea there is a holy spot well known after my name, viz. Sripurusottama. It is adorned by Nila mountain…O annihilator of Tripuras, stay there fearlessly along with Parvati.”  (source)

📚Skanda Purana📚
Narada said: On being told thus by Vasudeva the Three-eyed Lord bent down his head. With palms joined in reverence he spoke to the slayer of Madhu: Mahadeva said: O Lord of Devas, O Lord of the universe, O Lord, O dispeller of the agony of those who bow down (to you) carrying out your behest will be the cause of my welfare, O Lord of the worlds. On account of my stupidity, O Lord, I had been arrogant. There, O Lord, your own blessing is the cause of my fickleness. Since you command me, O Lord of Devas, to proceed to Purusottama, I shall carry out your behest reverently and proceed to the auspicious holy place that bestows salvation.”  (source)

Krishna beheads Kasiraja with his Sudarshan Chakra as mentioned in Shrimad Bhagavatam 10.66.22.  (source)

📚Shiva Purana 3.23.3-12📚
Then the bull attacked Visnu’s sons wielding their bows for fighting, deluded by Siva’s Mäyä and proud of their great strength and exploit. O excellent sage, the sons of Visnu became furious. Those heroes roared loudly and rushed against Siva. Rudra in that form of a bull (Vrsabha) was furious at those sons of Visnu who rushed at him. He kicked them with his hoof’s and tore them with his horns. When their limbs were split by Rudra, they swooned and lost their lives. They were immediately destroyed. When they were killed Visnu the foremost of the strons came our spousns ouary and hastened towards Siva. On seeing Siva in the form of the bull going along after killing his sons, Visnu hit him with divine arrows and missiles. Then the infuriated Siva, the highly powerful one in the form of a bull stood like a mountain and caught hold of all those missiles of Visnu. O sage, shouting furiously, lord Siva in the form of a bin shook the three worlds terribly. The lord leaped up suddenly and kicked the infuriated Visnu who was deluded and could not realise him. The lord then tore him with his horns. Unable to bear the onslaught, Visnu deluded by Maya was exhausted and utterly shattered.”  (source)

📚Shiva Purana 3.23.13-16📚
When his pride fell off, Visnu was dejected, and dispirited. He then realised that Siva was sporting about in the form of a bull. Then on realising that Siva himself had come in the form of a Bull, Visnu spoke in a shrill voice with drooping shoulders and palms joined in reverence. Visnu said: O lord of the gods, O ocean of mercy, O lord Siva, I had been deluded by your Maya and my mind had been confused. O lord, I fought with you, Siva. Taking pity on me, O lord, let this offence be excused.”  (source)

4. Vishnu Vs Other Gods

The gods, either accidentally or deliberately, severed the head of Vishnu. The incident unfolded as Vishnu slumbered with his head resting at the end of a bow. Seeking a peculiar solution, the gods struck a deal with white ants, convincing them to gnaw at the bowstring. However, the unintended consequence was the severing of Vishnu’s head in the process.

📚Shatapatha Brahmana📚
Now he who is this Vishnu is the sacrifice; and he who is this sacrifice is yonder Aditya (the sun). But, indeed, Vishnu was unable to control that (love of) glory of his; and so even now not every one can control that (love of) glory of his. Taking his bow, together with three arrows, he stepped forth. He stood, resting his head on the end of the bow. Not daring to attack him, the gods sat themselves down all around him. Then the ants said-these ants (vamri), doubtless, were that (kind called) ‘upadikä ‘-‘What would ye give to him who should gnaw the bowstring?’-‘We would give him the (constant) enjoyment of food, and he would find water even in the desert: so we would give him every enjoyment of food. ‘So be it, they said. Having gone nigh unto him, they gnawed his bowstring. When it was cut, the ends of the bow, springing asunder, cut off Vishnu’s head.”  (source)

📚Devi Bhagavatam Purana 1.5.23-36📚
Brahmā said :– We will give you, too, share in this our Yajña (sacrifice); so hear me; do our work and rouse Viṣṇu from His sleep. During the time of performing Homa whatever ghee will fall outside the Homa-Kund (the sacrificial pit) will fall to your share; so be quick and do this. Sūta said :– Thus ordered by Brahmā, the Vamrī insect soon ate away the fore end of the bow that rested on the ground. Immediately the string gave way and the bow went up; the other end became free and a terrible sound took place. The Devas bcame afraid; the whole universe got agitated; the earth trembled. The sea became swollen; the aquatic animals became startled; violent wind blew; the mountains shook; ominous meteors fell. The quarters assumed a terrific aspect; the Sun went down the horizon. In that time of distress the Devas became anxious what evil might come down. O ascetics! while the Devas were thus cogitating, the head with crown on it of the Devadeva Viṣṇu vanished away ; no body knew where it fell. When the awful darkness disappeared, Brahmā and Mahādeva saw the disfigured body of Viṣṇu with its head off. Seeing that headless figure of Viṣṇu they were greatly surprised; they were drowned in the ocean of cares and, overwhelmed with grief, began to weep aloud.”  (source)

5. Vishnu Vs Lakshmi

This serves as a valuable lesson for all married men: refrain from provoking your wife and avoid discussing other women, as the consequences may be severe. An illustrative example comes from the myth where Lakshmi beheads Vishnu through a curse, triggered by Vishnu’s unwarranted laughter at her.

📚Devi Bhagavatam Purana 1.5.74-86📚
Does anything take place in this world without any cause? Now hear why Hari’s head was cut off. Once on a time, seeing the beautiful face of His dear wife Laksmī Devī, Hari laughed in presence of Her. At this Laksmī Devī came to understand that “He has seen surely something ugly in my face and therefore He laughed; otherwise why my Husband would laugh at seeing me. But what reason can there be as to see ugliness in my face after so long a time. And why shall He laugh without seeing something ugly, without any cause. Or it may be, He has made some other beautiful woman as my co-wife”. Thus arguing variously in her mind, Mahā Laksmī gradually got angry and Tamo guna slowly possessed Her. Then, by turn of Fate, in order that god’s work might be completed, very fierce Tamas Sakti entered into Her body. She got very angry and slowly said :– “Let Thy head fall off”. Thus, owing to feminine nature and the destiny of Bhagvan, Laksmī cursed without any thought of good or bad, causing Her own suffering. By the Tāmasī Śakti possessing Her, she thought that a co-wife would be more painful than Her widowhood and thus She cursed Him. Falsehood, vain boldness, craftiness, stupidity, impatience, over-greediness, impurity, and harshness are the natural qualities of women. Owing to that curse, the head of Vasudeva has fallen into the salt ocean. Now I will fix the head on His body as before…”  (source)

6. Indra Vs Arjuna

While Arjuna may not have been a god, his advisor, Krishna, played a pivotal role in the tale. The story doesn’t center around a battle between Arjuna and Indra; rather, it unfolds as Arjuna faces Ashwasena. However, Indra, noting the imminent danger to his friend’s son, Ashwasena, opts to enter the fray to prevent the young warrior’s demise at the hands of Arjuna,

📚Mahabharata 1.229📚
But Aswasena, the mighty son of Takshaka, was there. He made great efforts to escape from that fire; but confined by Arjuna’s shafts he succeeded not in finding a way. It was then that his mother, the daughter of a snake, determined to save him by swallowing him first. His mother first swallowed his head and then was swallowing his tail. And desirous of saving her son, the sea-snake rose (up from the earth) while still employed in swallowing her son’s tail. But Arjuna as soon as he beheld her escaping, severed her head from her body by means of a sharp and keen-edged arrow. Indra saw all this, and desiring to save his friend’s son, the wielder of the thunderbolt, by raising a violent wind, deprived Arjuna of consciousness.”  (source)

7. Indra Vs Shiva

📚Mahabharata 7.202.82-84📚
While the triple city commenced to burn, the goddess Parvati repaired thither to behold the sight. She had then on her lap, a child having a bald head with five clumps of hair on it. The goddess asked the deities as to who that child was. Sakra, through ill-feeling endeavoured to strike that child with his thunderbolt. The divine lord Mahadeva (for the child was none other), smiling, quickly paralysed the arm of the enraged Sakra. Then god Sakra, with his arm paralysed accompanied by all the celestials, speedily repaired to the lord Brahma of unfading glory.”  (source)

8. Indra Vs Visvarupa

📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 6.9.4📚
Once upon a time, however, the King of heaven, Indra, understood that Viśvarūpa was secretly cheating the demigods by offering oblations on behalf of the demons. He became extremely afraid of being defeated by the demons, and in great anger at Viśvarūpa he cut Viśvarūpa’s three heads from his shoulders.”  (source)

The verses from Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam 3.12.25 indicate that Vishwarupa had a dual role. In the presence of gods, he would chant mantras that were beneficial to them. However, in the absence of gods, Vishwarupa would offer prayers for the well-being of the Daityas (demons),

📚Devi Bhagavatam Purana 3.12.25📚
Viśvarūpa uttered repeatedly the mantrams beneficial to the gods, while they were present; and, during their absence, prayed heartily for the welfare of the Daityas; and, in the long run, protected the Daityas.”  (source)

9. Indra Vs Krishna

📚Vishnu Purana 5.30.51-68📚
and Indra accordingly, attended by the army of the celestials, marched to attack Hari, in defence of the Pārijāta tree. The gods were armed with clubs, swords, maces, and darts; and Indra wielded the thunderbolt. As soon as Govinda saw the king of the gods advancing against him on his elephant, attended by the immortals, he blew his shell so that the sound filled all the regions, and he showered smilingly myriads of arrows upon his assailants. Beholding the air in all directions overspread with his darts, the celestials in return hurled innumerable missiles; but every one of these the destroyer of Madhu, and lord of all worlds, cut playfully into a thousand pieces with his shafts. The devourer of serpents, Garuḍa, laid hold of the noose of the sovereign of the waters, and tore it to fragments with his beak, as if it had been a little snake. The son of Devakī threw his mace at the club of Yama, and cast it broken upon the ground: he cut in bits the litter of the lord of wealth with his discus: a glance of his eye eclipsed the radiance of the sun: he severed Agni into a hundred parts with his arrows, and scattered the Vasus through the realms of space: with his discus he cut off the points of the tridents of the Rudras, and cast themselves upon the earth: and with the shafts shot from his bow he dispersed the Sādhyas, Viśvas, Maruts, and Gandharvas, like fleeces of cotton from the pods of the Simel tree, through the sky. Garuḍa also diligently plied his beak and wings and nails, and bit and bruised and scratched the deities who opposed his lord. Then the king of the gods and the foe of Madhu encountered and overwhelmed each other with countless shafts, like rain-drops falling from two heavy clouds. Garuḍa in the conflict engaged with Airāvata, and Janārddana was opposed to all the deities. When all the other weapons had been cut to pieces, Indra stood armed with his thunderbolt, and Kṛṣṇa with the discus Sudarśana. Beholding them thus prepared for fight, all the people of the three spheres exclaimed, “Alas! alas!” Indra launched his bolt, but in vain, for Hari caught and arrested it…”  (source)

H.H. Wilson summarizes this as,

“Krishńa restores her earrings to Adití, and is praised by her: he visits the gardens of Indra, and at the desire of Satyabhámá carries off the Párijáta tree. Śachí excites Indra to its rescue. Conflict between the gods and Krishńa, who defeats them. Satyabhámá derides them. They praise Krishńa.”

10. Indra Vs Maruts

📚Rig Veda 1.170.2📚
The Maruts are thy brothers. Why, O Indra, wouldst thou take our lives? Agree with them in friendly wise, and do not slay us in the fight.”  (source)

📚Rig Veda 1.171.6📚
Do thou, O Indra, guard the conquering Heroes, and rid thee of thy wrath against the Maruts…”  (source)

Indra Vs Sagara’s Sons

Indra employs strategic tactics to bring about the demise of King Sagara’s sons,

According to the narrative recounted in Srimad Bhagavatam 9.8, King Sagara, a forefather of the Hindu god Ram, had a total of 60,000 sons. Following the instructions of Sage Aurva, King Sagara undertook the Ashvamedha sacrifice. However, Indra intervened by stealing the sacrificial horse and depositing it in the hermitage of Sage Kapila. As a consequence, Indra not only caused Sagara’s sons to lose their intelligence but also showed disrespect to the revered sage.

While Sage Kapila was immersed in meditation, the sons of Sagara, influenced by the machinations of Indra, were engulfed in a fire emanating from their own bodies as soon as the sage opened his eyes,

📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 9.8.7-11📚
Following the instructions of the great sage Aurva, Sagara Mahārāja performed aśvamedha sacrifices and thus satisfied the Supreme Lord, who is the supreme controller, the Supersoul of all learned scholars, and the knower of all Vedic knowledge, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But Indra, the King of heaven, stole the horse meant to be offered at the sacrifice. [King Sagara had two wives, Sumati and Keśinī.] The sons of Sumati, who were very proud of their prowess and influence, following the order of their father, searched for the lost horse. While doing so, they dug into the earth very extensively. Thereafter, in the northeastern direction, they saw the horse near the āśrama of Kapila Muni. “Here is the man who has stolen the horse,” they said. “He is staying there with closed eyes. Certainly he is very sinful. Kill him! Kill him!” Shouting like this, the sons of Sagara, sixty thousand all together, raised their weapons. When they approached the sage, the sage opened His eyes. By the influence of Indra, the King of heaven, the sons of Sagara had lost their intelligence and disrespected a great personality. Consequently, fire emanated from their own bodies, and they were immediately burned to ashes.”  (source)

11.12. Indra Vs Muni Dadhyam

📚Devi Bhagavatam Purana 7.36.28📚
O Best of Mountains! It is very difficult to acquire Brahma Jñâna. Hear a story. A Muni named Dadhyam of Atharvana family went to Indra and prayed to him to give Brahma Jñâna. Indra said: “I would give you Brahma-Jñâna, but if you impart it to any other body, I would sever your head.” Dadhyarna agreed to this and Indra gave him the Brahma-Jñâna. After a few days, the two As’vins came to the Muni and prayed for Brahma Vidyâ, The Muni said:– “If I give you the Brahma-Vidyi, Indra, will cut off my head.” Hearing this the two As’vins said:– “We will cut your head and keep it elsewhere and we will attach the head of a horse to your body. Instruct us with the mouth of this horse and when Indra will cut off your this mouth, we will replace your former head.” When they said so, the Muni gave them the Brahma-Vidyâ. Indra cut off his head by his thunderbolt. When the horse-head of the Muni was cut off, the two physicians of the Devas replaced his original head. This is widely known in all the Vedas.”  (source)

13. Shiva and Vishnu Vs Ganesha

📚Shiva Purana📚
Once when Parvati was taking her bath, Sadasiva rebuked Nandin and came into the inner apartment. The mother of the universe, seeing the untimely arrival of Siva in the midst of her bath and toilet stood up. The beautiful lady was very shy then…At the time when the incident occurred, Parvati, the great Maya, the great goddess, thought as follows. ‘There must be a servant of my own who will be expert in his duties. He must not stray from my behest even a speck.’ Thinking thus the goddess created a person with all the characteristics, out of the dirt from her body. Thus placing her son at the doorway, Parvati began to take bath with her friends, unworried. O excellent sage, at this very moment Siva who is eagerly indulgent and an expert in various divine sports came near the door. Not knowing that he was lord Siva, the consort of Parvati, Ganesa said ‘O sir, without my mother’s permission you shall not go in now. My mother has entered the bath. Where are you going now? Go away’ saying thus, he took up his staff to ward him off. On seeing him Siva said ‘O foolish fellow, whom are you forbidding? O wicked knave, don’t you know me? I am Siva, none else’. Thereupon Ganesa beat Siva with the staff. Siva expert in various sports became infuriated…When lord Siva tried to enter the house, Ganesa became infuriated, O brahmin, and struck him with his staff once again.”  (source)

📚Shiva Purana📚
Viṣṇu of great strength, valour and skill and possessing great divine weapons and Śivā’s form fought with him. Gaṇeśa hit all the chief gods with his staff. He hit Viṣṇu too, all of a sudden. The hero had been conferred great strength by the Śaktis. O sage, all the gods including Viṣṇu were hit by him with the stick. They were turned back with their strength sapped. O sage, after fighting for a long time along with the army and seeing him terrific, even Śiva was greatly surprised. Thinking within himself “He has to be killed only by deception and not otherwise” he stayed in the midst of the army…..Pārvatī’s son of great strength and heroism, saw Śiva arrived there with desire to fight him to a finish, the great lord with the trident in his hand…..Viṣṇu took up his discus and split the iron club by means of discus. Gaṇeśa hurled the piece of iron club at Viṣṇu which was caught by the bird Garuḍa and rendered futile. Thus for a long time the two heroes Viṣṇu and Gaṇeśa fought with each other. Again the foremost among heroes, the son of Pārvatī took up his staff of unrivalled power remembering Śiva and struck Viṣṇu with it. Struck with that unbearable blow he fell on the ground. But he got up, quickly and fought with Pārvatī’s son. Securing this opportunity, the Trident-bearing deity came there and cut off his head with his trident….”  (source)

hat type of deities are these? One (Ganesha) is unaware of his own father, while the other (Shiva), known as The Destroyer, couldn’t directly eliminate Ganesha. Instead, with the assistance of Vishnu, he resorts to beheading a child, employing deception in the process.

14. Shiva Vs Aurva

It’s not really a fight. Shiva ends up burning the hermitage of Sage Aurva, and as a consequence, Aurva places a curse on him,

📚Varaha Purana 147.9-23📚
Then in that famous tirtha known as Goniskramana, lord Siva came near him. Aurva was then going to the river Ganga to gather lotus flowers. Knowing him thus out of the hermitage, Siva entered it. It was auspicious, beautiful and full of fruits and flowers. But it was soon reduced to ashes by the heat of the halo of Siva. After burning that hermitage, Siva quickly returned to (his abdode in) the Himalayas. From that moment Siva, although he is the lord of the world, began to be tormented by great heat, and he told Parvati: “Seeing the penance of Aurva, the gods were afraid and they told me: ‘The heat of the penance of this Aurva affects the whole world. But he does not desire anything. How can we remedy this?’ When told thus, I caste my eye on his hermitage. In a moment it was burnt down, and we returned. Being sorry and angry at this, Aurva cursed me, and that has resulted in this torment of mine.”  (source)

15. Shiva Vs Krishna

Aniruddha, the grandson of Krishna, fell in love with Uma, the daughter of Banasura. Following her to the palace, Aniruddha was captured by Banasura’s men and didn’t return home for months. Sage Narada informed Krishna about Aniruddha’s capture, leading to a battle between Krishna and Banasura. Banasura, a devout follower of Shiva, sought assistance from the deity, with Kartikeya, Shiva’s son, joining the fray. Despite their efforts, Krishna overpowered Banasura and Shiva. Pleading for Banasura’s life, Shiva convinced Krishna to spare him, resulting in Krishna only cutting off Banasura’s hands,

📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 10.63.12-14📚
Lord Siva, wielder of the trident, shot various weapons at Lord Krsna, wielder of Sárnga. But Lord Krsna was not in the least perplexed: He neutralized all these weapons with appropriate counterweapons. Lord Krsna counteracted brahmastra with another brahmästra, a wind weapon with a mountain weapon, a fire weapon with a rain weapon, and Lord Siva’s personal pasupatâstra weapon with His own personal weapon, the narayanastra. After bewildering Lord Siva by making him yawn with a yawning weapon, Lord Krsna proceeded to strike down Banâsura’s army with His sword, club and arrows.”  (source)

📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 10.63.22-25📚
After Lord Śiva’s followers had been driven away, the Śiva-jvara, who had three heads and three feet, pressed forward to attack Lord Kṛṣṇa. As the Śiva-jvara approached, he seemed to burn everything in the ten directions. Seeing this personified weapon approach, Lord Nārāyaṇa then released His own personified fever weapon, the Viṣṇu-jvara. The Śiva-jvara and Viṣṇu-jvara thus battled each other. The Śiva-jvara, overwhelmed by the strength of the Viṣṇu-jvara, cried out in pain. But finding no refuge, the frightened Śiva-jvara approached Lord Kṛṣṇa, the master of the senses, hoping to attain His shelter. Thus with joined palms he began to praise the Lord. The Śiva-jvara said: I bow down to You of unlimited potencies, the Supreme Lord, the Supersoul of all beings. You possess pure and complete consciousness and are the cause of cosmic creation, maintenance and dissolution. Perfectly peaceful, You are the Absolute Truth to whom the Vedas indirectly refer.”  (source)

📚Brahma Purana 97.11-20📚
The Yādavas had already heard that Aniruddha was carried off by a woman who was an expert in Yogic lore, to Śoṇitapura the capital city of the asura monarch Bāṇa. Hence, they believed in what Nārada said. Accordingly lord Kṛṣṇa mounted Garuḍa who came to him immediately on being remembered and went to Bāṇa’s city accompanied by Balarāma and Pradyumna. At the entrance to the city he had a fight with the very powerful Pramathas. After destroying them, he went near Bāṇa’s city. Then the great Jvara (Fever) pertaining to Maheśvara who had three feet and three heads, fought severely with the Śārṅga-bow-bearing lord for the sake of protecting Bāṇa. Due to contact with Kṛṣṇa’s body Balarāma too experienced the heat originating from a touch of its Bhasman. Hence, he kept his eyes closed together with him. He began to fight with the Śārṅga-bearing lord. But (the Jvara of Maheśvara) was dispelled from the body of Kṛṣṇa by the Jvara pertaining to Viṣṇu. On seeing him (i.e., Maheśvara Jvara) agitated due to the painful blow of Nārāyaṇa’s arms, lord Pitāmaha said “kindly excuse him.” Thereupon saying—“O I have already forgiven”, lord Kṛṣṇa dissolved the Vaiṣṇava Jvara within himself. Lord Kṛṣṇa said thus to Maheśvara Jvara—“Those who remember our fight between us shall be free from fever. After saying this lord Kṛṣṇa went away. Then the lord defeated and destroyed the five fires. Viṣṇu playfully smashed the army of Asuras.”  (source)

📚Brahma Vaivarta Purana Krishna Janma Khanda 54.12-23📚
At this time, Lord Krişņa arrived at the city called Avanti and obtained knowledge from the spiritual guide called saint Sandipani. Then he conquered Jara-Sandha, killed the king of the infidels and duly installed Ugra-sena as king. Afterwards, he went to the sea, constructed Dwarka, subdued the kings, took away Rukminî and wedded Kalindi, Laksmana, Saivya, Satya, Sati Jamba-vati, Mitra vinda and Nagna-Jitî. Afterwards he killed the demon Naraka, the son of Bhumi and married 60,000 women. Afterwards he easily subdued Indra and stole Pârijata from heaven. He then conquered Siva who has the moon on his crest and cut off the hands of the king Bana. Then he redeemed his grandson, again came to Dwarka and displayed his form toevery person in every house. Then Krisna incidentally in connexion with the pilgrimage of Vasudeva saw Radha, the presiding deity of his life on the occasion of the sacrifice of Prabhasa.”  (source)

📚Agni Purana 12.47-53📚
(Bāṇa was) informed (of this) by his mobile guards. Aniruddha had a fierce fight with Bāṇa. Having heard this from Nārada, Kṛṣṇa (went along) with Pradyumna (and) Balabhadra (and) remaining on the Garuḍa (vehicle of Viṣṇu) conquered the fires and the fever related to Maheśvara (Siva). There was a fight between Hari and Śaṅkara (Siva) with arrows. Nandi, Vināyaka, Skanda and others were conquered by Tārkṣya (Garuḍa) and others. When Śaṅkara (Śiva) yawned, Viṣṇu (employed) the missile Jṛmbhaṇa and cut the thousand arms (of Śaṅkara). Protection was sought by Rudra (Siva). Bāṇa was animated by Viṣṇu. The two-armed (Viṣṇu) said to Śiva, “What protection was offered by you to Bāṇa (is identical with) that (offered) by me. There is no difference between us and one who (thinks of) any difference goes to hell. Viṣṇu was propitiated by Śiva and others. Aniruddha in the company of Uṣā and others, having gone to Dvārakā, amused himself along with Ugrasena and other Yādavas. Vajra (was) the son of Aniruddha. He learnt all knowledge from Mārkaṇḍeya.”  (source)

16. Shiva Vs Yama

📚Brahma Purana 35.11📚
Obeisance to one who annhilated the god of Death…”  (source)

Jagdish Lal Shastri writes, ”Annihilated the god of death. Siva gave Mrkandu a boon that a pious son would be born to him but he would live only for sixteen years. The child was born and named Markandeya. He was educated in Vedas and Sastras. When the hour of his death arrived, the boy embraced the linga idol of Siva. When Yama, the god of death came to fetch him, the angry Siva arose out of the idol and killed Yama. At the request of gods Yama was revived to life but Markandeya was granted youth for ever.”

📚Brahma Purana Gautami Mahatmya 24.9-21📚
Brahma said: Then Mrtyu with the noose in his hand entered the place where that brahmin was worshipping Siva. The brahmin was not at all aware of either Yama’s servants or Mrtyu himself…Then Mrtyu thew up the noose against Sveta. O great sages, Nandin then became angry. Nandin hit Mrtyu with the baton given by Siva. Mrtyu fell on the ground. Then the messengers saw that Mrtyu was struck down. They intimated the incident to Yama. Then Dharma whose vehicle is buffalo and who controls all addressed his attendants and associates…’Hurry up, hurry up’, said Yama to them and himself proceeded ahead, surrounded by these and others, to the place where Sveta the excellent brahmin was worshipping Siva…Karttikeya pierced the servants of Yama by means of his javelin. He killed Yama, the powerful ruler of southern quarter.”  (source)

17. Shiva’s Virabhadra Vs Vishnu’s Virabhadra

The well-known tale of Vishnu’s Narasimha avatar, slaying Hiranyakashipu with his claws while placing him on his lap, concludes in Vaishnavite Puranas. However, Shaivite Puranas add an interesting twist. According to them, Shiva’s Sharaba form steps in to defeat Narasimha, suggesting Shiva’s supremacy. After killing Hiranyakashipu, Narasimha doesn’t stop and wreaks havoc on Earth, heading towards universal annihilation. Fearing this calamity, gods plead with Shiva to intervene. Shiva sends his Virabhadra form to pacify Narasimha. Despite Virabhadra’s praise and plea for mercy, Narasimha gets angry, grabs Virabhadra, and makes him disappear. This triggers the emergence of Shiva’s fiercest form, Sharaba. This form is explained in the following way,

📚Shiva Purana 3.12.2-11📚
Nandisvara said: Thus admonished by Virabhadra, the Man-lion became furious. He roared and began to seize him with force. In the meantime, the splendour of Siva rose up unbearably enveloping the sky all around. It was terrible and cause for imminent fear. Then in a trice the form of Virabhhadra became invisible…Even as all the gods stood watching with the auspicious shouts of victory, Lord Siva became manifest in the form the Annihilator. He had a thousand hands and wore matted hair. His head was adorned with wings and beak. His body was fierce and fully developed. His fangs were very sharp. Adamantine claws were his weapons. His neck was black in colour. He had a huge arms and four legs. He was blazing like fire. His voice was resonant and terrible like the rumbling sound of the clouds that gather at the end of a Yuga. His three eyes were as wide and blazing as the fire of the evil spirit of great fury. His fangs and lips were clearly visible. He was producing a hissing sound of Humkara. Siva of such a form appeared in sight.”  (source)

The follwing verses depict Virabhadra’s attempt to pacify Narasimha, but instead of calming him, Narasimha becomes even more infuriated,

📚Shiva Purana 3.11.24-27📚
[Virabhadra says] O lord Narasimha, O soul of the universe, subdue this extremely terrible body yourself in my presence. Nandisvara said; Urged thus with quiet peaceful words of Virabhadra, the arrogant man-lion assumed a more terrible anger…The Man-lion said: Go back the way you have come from. Do not speak offending words. I am now going to annihilate the universe of the mobile and immobile beings.”  (source)

The subsequent verses illustrate how Virabhadra slew Narasimha and then proceeded to skin him, fashioning the pelt into a garment,

📚Shiva Purana 3.12.12-36📚
At his very vision Visnu lost his strength and exploit. He assumed a lustre of the flickering glow-worm beneath the sun. Fluttering with his wings, and tearing the navel and legs he bound the legs of the Man-lion with his tail and his hands with his own hands. He struck his chest, caught hold of Visnu. It expanded in the sky along with the gods and sages. Like a vulture seizing a serpent he fearlessly caught hold of Visnu, lifted him up and fell him to the ground. At the time of flight he was excessively oppressed being hit with the wings. Then Lord Siva took Visnu and flew him. All the gods followed him eulogising him with the words of obeisance. Brahma and other sages bowed to him with reverence and love. Being led thus Visnu was helpless. His face was pallid and sorrowful. With palms joined in reverence he eulogised Lord Siva with prayers of simple words. After eulogising Mrda with the hundred and eight names of the lord, Nrsimha requested lord Sarabha again. ‘O great lord, whenever my ignorant mind becomes defiled by arrogance, it shall be removed by you alone’ Nandisvara said: Thus saying with love to Siva, the Man-lion turned submissive and bowed to him. Visnu was utterly defeated and came to the end of his life…Lord Virabhadra, the leader of the Ganas, of great strength, peeled off the hide of the Man-lion and went to the mountain taking it with him. From that time Siva began to wear the hide of the Man-lion. His head was the leading bead in his necklace of skulls.”  (source)

According to the Linga Purana, only the bones were left, and Narasimha’s face remained. In contrast, the Shiva Purana describes that Virabhadra/Sharabha not only killed Narasimha but also utilized Narasimha’s head as a bead in his necklace of skulls. This occurrence is echoed in various verses, including a statement from Brahma in the Skanda Purana:

📚Skanda Purana 1.3b.16.17📚
If you had not killed Nrhari (Man-lion) by assuming the form of Sarabha (i.e. a fabulous eight footed animal) alone, he would have destroyed the universe like Hiranyakasipu.”  (source)

18. Shiva’s Virabhadra Vs Gods

Daksha arranges a grand Yajna but intentionally excludes his son-in-law Shiva, even going so far as to speak ill of him. In response, Shiva’s wife implores him to disrupt Daksha’s sacrifice. Upon her request, Shiva manifests Virabhadra. Virabhadra proceeds to the site, causing extensive destruction. He confronts and physically harms sages, incapacitates certain Devas, and even causes fatalities. Virabhadra engages in acts of violence, such as severing Agni’s tongue and removing Bhaga’s eyes. The climax of his actions culminates in the beheading of Daksha,

📚Kurma Purana 1.15.35-67a📚
Sri Devi said: O Sankara, Daksa who had been my father in the previous birth is performing a Yajna after censuring your status and your own self…Please destroy that sacrifice immediately…Thus implored by the goddess, the great Lord, the Lord of Devas, created Rudra immediately with a desire to destroy the Yajna of Daksa. He was highly infuriated. He had a thousand heads, a thousand eyes and huge arms, a thousand in number. He was invincible. He resembled the fire at the close of the Yugas. He was terrible due to his curved fangs. He could not be seen (directly) due to his glaring brilliance. He held a conch and a discus. He had a staff in his hand. He roared loudly. He held a horn in his hand and was beautified with Bhasma (ashes). He became famous as Virabhadra…Siva spoke to him thus: ‘O Ganesvara (leader of the attendants). Blessings unto you. After censuring me, Daksa is performing a Yajna, at Gangadvara, (near the source of the river Ganga). Destroy that sacrifice of Daksa.’ Then the sacrifice of Daksa was destroyed by Virabhadra playfully like a single lion released from bondage…The leaders of Ganas became infuriated. They uprooted the sacrificial posts and threw them here and there. The Ganesvaras, all of whom were terrible ones, took the sacrificial horse along with the Prastotr and Hotr (the priests) and hurled them into the currents of Ganga. Even Virabhadra whose mind was ablaze with wrath, paralysed the hand of Indra as he raised it to strike and did the same to other gods. Sportively he plucked out the eyes of Bhaga by the tip of his finger nails. Hitting with his fist he felled down the teeth of Pusan. The mighty leader of Ganas sportively and smilingly kicked Lord Moon with the big toe of his leg. O excellent sages, he cut off the pair of hands of fire and playfully plucked out his tongue. Then he kicked sages on their heads. The mighty one then pierced Visnu, who had been coming thither on his Garuda with sharp arrows after stunning Sudarsana. The powerful Garuda stared at the Gana and suddenly hit him with his wings and roared like the ocean.”  (source)

📚Linga Purana 1.82.98-103📚
Vīrabhadra of great splendour is the son of Rudra. He is the leader of the armies and lord of the Gaṇas. May he dispel sin. He resembles the snow, the Kunda flower and the moon; he is terrible, his great hand closely clinging to the trident. He is omniscient and thousand-armed. He holds all weapons. The three sacrificial fires constitute his eyes. He is the lord, the bestower of fearlessness on the three worlds. He is the permanent protector of the mothers. His vehicle is the great bull. He is glorious and is bowed to by the three worlds. He is engaged in the worship of Śiva. He beheaded Yakṣa; he destroyed the tooth of Pūṣan; he removed the hand of the fire-god; he caused the eye of Bhaga to fall down; he pounded the limbs of Soma by the big toe of his foot; he is the bodyguard of Upendra, Indra, Yama and other Devas; he cut off the nose and lips of the great goddess Sarasvatī. May the lord of Gaṇas dispel my sin.”  (source)

📚Varaha Purana 21.28-46📚
At that the omniscient and resplendent god (Rudra) became extremely angry and said: “Formerly 1 was created by Brahma to be fully potent to create beings and 1 was asked to start the process. Who has done that action now”. So saying he roared aloud in high rage and from his ears issued forth huge flames and from them came out with weapons ghosts and goblins in crores. After creating such an army equipped with numerous weapons he produced a chariot of Veda and Vidya (knowledge). In it two deer were the drawing horses, the triple principle was the central pole, the three sandhyas (morning, noon and evening) the three shafts (wheels), dharma the axle, air the sound, day and night the two flags, merit and demerit the flagstaffs all the Vidyas together with Kalas the seat and Brahma the charioteer. Gayatri was the bow, the syllable Om the bowstring, the seven notes of music the arrows for that great god. With all this array and equipment the valiant god flew to Daksa’s sacrifice. As Rudra was descending from the sky, there was a loud noise at which the mantras of the priests were lost. Seeing this portent the priests said in fear; “A great danger has befallen us; let the gods get ready for battle”. A big demon created by Brahma is coming here to partake of the special offering in this sacrifice”. Then the gods addressed their maternal grand-father Daksa: “O Sire, please tell us what you think we should do”. Daksa said: “Take up your weapons immediately and wage a war”. Told thus, A big battle was then fought by the gods with the army of Rudra, carrying various weapons. The vampires, goblins and imps holding different weapons fought with the guardian deities. The Bhutaganas came out of heaven and entering Yama’s abode showered arrows, fierce swords and axes. They attacked Devas with firebrands and bows and arrows in fury before Rudra. Then in that fierce battle Rudra pierced with an arrow both the eyes of Bhaga.”  (source)

📚Linga Purana Section 1.100.15-24📚
Virabhadra of great splendour and undistressed soul made the hands of Indra and other Devas stunned as they raised them. He uprooted the eyes of Bhaga sportively with the tip of his finger. With his fist he hit the teeth of Pusan and made them fall. He kicked the moon with the toe of his foot. He cut off the head of lord Indra. After cutting off the hands of Agni and after uprooting his tongue sportively he kicked him on his head with his leg. He cut off the staff of Yama. He hit lord Isana a guardian of the quarters of great strength by means of his trident. Without any difficulty he killed thirty three Devas thus. Sportingly he killed three thousand three hundred and thirty three Devas along with the three leading Devas. He killed the leading sages too. This lord killed those Devas who stood in readiness for fighting. Lord Rudra hit them with his fist, swords, arrows and other things. Then Visnu of great splendour and intensified strength lifted up his discus, and fought with Rudra. A terrible fight ensured between them. It made hairs to stand on end.”  (source)

📚Shiva Purana📚
They worked a great havoc there. Virabhadra chastised everyone and spared none. After defeating Visnu and the Devas with strenuous effort, the chief of Ganas cut off the head of Daksa and consigned it to the sacrificial fire. Working great havoc he destroyed the sacrifice. Then he came back to the mountain and bowed to Lord Siva.”  (source)

There’s another story that might discuss a different event, but it seems related to the same occurrence.

📚Skanda Purana📚
The share of Sambhu was not appropriated by Brahma in his sacrifice. Mahadeva is the annihilator of the universe. (But,) O king, he (too) was deluded by his sense-organs and he became angry with Suras (Devas). The Suras are the Vibhutis (empowered parts) of Siva. All the three worlds are solely intended for his sport. Yet, by him the bow was strung well for the sake of a share! The teeth of Pusan were shattered. Divakara (the Sun) was made unconscious. The eyes of Bhaga were plucked and the god of Yajna in the form of an antelope was hit. The Devas turned into Pasus (animals). The sages were denied the Vedas. The Dharmasastras of the sages were taken away by the all powerful Lord…”  (source)

19. Vasishta Vs Vishwamitra

Vishwamitra wanted Sage Vashishtha’s special cow, Kamadhenu. Even after offering many cows in exchange, Vashishtha said no. Angry, Vishwamitra tried to take the cow forcefully, and in the fight, Vashishtha’s sons were killed. Seeking payback, Vishwamitra did tough rituals in the forest to get a boon from Lord Shiva, who granted him archery skills. With his new powers, Vishwamitra attacked Vashishtha’s place,

📚Valmiki Ramayana 1.55.5-7📚
the whole army of Vishvamitra consisting of elephants, horses and chariots, was instantly destroyed. Beholding their entire army exterminated by the power of Shri Vasishtha, King Vishvami-tra’s hundred sons bearing mighty arms and with various thought-propelled weapons rushed angrily at the holy Sage Vasishtha. Shri Vasishtha merely uttered the sound “H’m!” and they were all immediately consumed. By the great Sage Vasishtha, the infantry, cavalry and chariots, together with the sons of King Vishvamitra, were instantly burned to ashes.”  (source)

Vishwamitra incited Rakshasas to kill Vashishtha’s sons, and sadly, they lost their lives. Overwhelmed by grief, Vashishtha attempted suicide by jumping from a mountain, but he landed on a soft heap of cotton. Trying to escape his pain, he set the forest ablaze, but miraculously, the fire didn’t harm him. In another desperate attempt, he tied a weight to his neck and plunged into the waters, yet even that didn’t bring about his demise. Learning that his daughter-in-law was pregnant, Vashishtha abandoned the idea of suicide,

📚Mahabharata 1.178.41-49📚
Beholding Saktri thus slain and devoured, Viswamitra repeatedly urged that Rakshasa (who was within the monarch) against the other sons of Vasishtha. Like a wrathful lion devouring small animals, that Rakshasa soon devoured the other sons of the illustrious Vasishtha that were junior to Saktri in age. But Vasishtha, learning that all his sons had been caused to be slain by Viswamitra, patiently bore his grief like the great mountain that bears the earth. That best of Munis, that foremost of intelligent men, was resolved rather to sacrifice his own life than exterminate (in anger) the race of Kusikas. The illustrious Rishi threw himself down from the summit of Meru, but he descended on the stony ground as though on a heap of cotton. And, O son of Pandu, when the illustrious one found that death did not result from that fall, he kindled a huge fire in the forest and entered it with alacrity. But that fire, though burning brightly, consumed him not. O slayer of foes, that blazing fire seemed to him cool. Then the great Muni under the influence of grief, beholding the sea, tied a stony weight to his neck and threw himself into its waters. But the waves soon cast him ashore. At last when that Brahmana of rigid vows succeeded not in killing himself by any means, he returned, in distress of heart, to his asylum.”  (source)

20. Others

Emperor Bharat son of Dushyant,

📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 9.20.30📚
When Mahārāja Bharata was on tour, he defeated or killed all the Kirātas, Hūṇas, Yavanas, Pauṇḍras, Kaṅkas, Khaśas, Śakas and the kings who were opposed to the Vedic principles of brahminical culture.”  (source)

📚Rig Veda 4.30.8-11📚
And this heroic deed of might thou, Indra, also hast achieved, That thou didst smite to death the Dame, Heaven’s Daughter, meditating ill. Thou, Indra, Mighty One, didst crush Uṣas, though Daughter of the Sky. When lifting up herself in pride. Then from her chariot Uṣas fled, affrighted, from her ruined car. When the strong God had shattered it. So there this car of Uṣas lay, broken to pieces, in Vipāś, And she herself fled far away.”  (source)

📚Rig Veda 4.18.12📚
Who has made your mother a widow? who has sought to slay the sleeping and the walking? what deity has been more gracious than you since you have slain the father, having seized him by the foot?”  (source)