Hadith on Fasting: Rewards of Fasting on Shawwal

📖Sahih Muslim 1164 a
Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: He who observed the fast of Ramadan and then followed it with six (fasts) of Shawwal. it would be as if he fasted perpetually.

From this Hadith (Sahih Muslim 1164a), we learn the following:

  1. The importance of observing the fast of Ramadan: The Hadith starts by highlighting the significance of fasting during the month of Ramadan. It is one of the pillars of Islam and a compulsory act of worship for adult Muslims who are physically and mentally able to fast.
  2. The voluntary fasts of Shawwal: After Ramadan, the Hadith encourages Muslims to observe six additional voluntary fasts in the month of Shawwal. These fasts are not obligatory but highly recommended.
  3. The reward of continuous fasting: The Hadith states that whoever completes the fast of Ramadan and follows it up with the six fasts of Shawwal will be rewarded as if they have fasted continuously. This means that the reward for these six fasts is multiplied, as if the person has been fasting continuously throughout the year.
  4. The encouragement of voluntary acts of worship: The Hadith encourages Muslims to engage in voluntary acts of worship beyond the obligatory duties. Observing the voluntary fasts of Shawwal is a way to earn additional rewards and draw closer to Allah.
  5. The concept of perpetual fasting: The Hadith uses the analogy that fasting during Ramadan and following it up with the six fasts of Shawwal is equivalent to perpetual fasting. It emphasizes the immense rewards and blessings associated with these acts of worship.

Overall, this Hadith teaches us about the significance of fasting during Ramadan, the recommended fasts of Shawwal, and the rewards and benefits that come with observing these voluntary acts of worship. It encourages Muslims to go beyond the obligatory and strive for additional acts of devotion.