Hadith on Gratitude: Honoring Mother and Guardian

📖Sunan Ibn Majah 3657
Ibn Salamah As-Sulami narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “I enjoin each one to honor his mother,I enjoin each one to honor his mother,I enjoin each one to honor his mother(three times), I enjoin each one to honor his guardian who is taking care of him, even if he is causing him some annoyance.”

This hadith emphasizes the importance of honoring and respecting one’s mother and guardian. The repetition of the instruction to honor one’s mother three times signifies the magnitude of this obligation. Muslims derive several meaningful lessons from this hadith:

  1. The elevated status of mothers: Islam places great emphasis on the status of mothers, recognizing their immense contributions and sacrifices in raising and nurturing children. The repetition of the command highlights the importance of treating mothers with utmost respect, love, kindness, and care.
  2. Obedience to parents: This hadith underscores the obligation to honor and obey parents, particularly the mother, who holds a special place in a person’s life. Muslims are taught to fulfill their responsibilities towards their parents by showing kindness, gratitude, and fulfilling their needs.
  3. Appreciating maternal care: The hadith reminds Muslims to appreciate the care, guidance, and love provided by their mothers. It encourages them to recognize the sacrifices mothers make for their children’s well-being and to reciprocate with gratitude, compassion, and support.
  4. General respect for guardians: The hadith extends the command to honor not only one’s mother but also one’s guardian or caretaker, even if they cause annoyance at times. This teaches Muslims the importance of showing respect and gratitude to those who have taken up the responsibility of nurturing and caring for them, regardless of any inconvenience they may cause.
  5. Patience and understanding: The mention of honoring the guardian, despite potential annoyances, encourages Muslims to exercise patience, tolerance, and understanding in dealing with their guardians or caretakers. It reminds them that even if there are disagreements or conflicts, it is important to maintain respectful behavior and fulfill their obligations.

In summary, this hadith emphasizes the high status of mothers, encourages obedience and gratitude towards parents, stresses the importance of honoring guardians, and teaches patience and understanding in relationships. Muslims are urged to reflect upon these teachings and implement them in their daily lives, fostering a culture of respect, kindness, and gratitude towards those who have cared for them.