Hadith on Islam: The Five Pillars of Islam

📖Sahih Muslim 16 c
It is narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullah son of ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:(The superstructure of) al-Islam is raised on five (pillars), testifying (the fact) that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is His bondsman and messenger, and the establishment of prayer, payment of Zakat, Pilgrimage to the House (Ka’ba) and the fast of Ramadan.

This Hadith, narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar, states that the foundation of Islam rests on five basic principles, known as the “Five Pillars of Islam.” These pillars are:

  1. Testifying to the Oneness of Allah (Tawheed): This means acknowledging and believing in the existence of only one God who is the Creator of the universe and who has no partner, associate or equal.
  2. Acknowledging Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the final Messenger of Allah: This means accepting and following the teachings and example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as he is the last Prophet sent by Allah to guide humanity.
  3. Performing the obligatory prayers (Salah): This means offering five daily prayers at their appointed times, facing towards the Ka’bah in Mecca.
  4. Paying Zakat: This means giving a certain percentage of one’s wealth as charity to the needy and deserving members of society.
  5. Observing the fast of Ramadan: This means fasting from dawn until sunset during the month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

These Five Pillars of Islam represent the basic practices and beliefs that every Muslim is required to follow and uphold in order to be considered a faithful and practicing Muslim