Hadith on Shirk: Hidden Polytheism Greater Concern than Dajjal

📖Sunan Ibn Majah 4204
It was narrated that Abu Sa’eed said: “The Messenger of Allah (ï·ș) came out to us when we were discussing Dajjal (False Christ) and said: ‘Shall I not tell you of that which I fear more for you than Dajjal?’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘Hidden polytheism, when a man stands to pray and makes it look good because he sees a man looking at him.’

  • This hadith from Sunan Ibn Majah, specifically Hadith 4204. In this hadith, Abu Sa’eed narrates that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) joined a discussion among the companions about the Dajjal, who is the False Christ in Islamic eschatology. The companions were concerned about the dangers posed by the Dajjal. In response to their concerns, the Prophet Muhammad asked the companions if he should inform them of something that he feared more for them than the Dajjal. The companions expressed their interest in knowing, and the Prophet proceeded to say that it was “hidden polytheism.” Here, hidden polytheism refers to a form of idolatry or associating partners with Allah that is not openly displayed but concealed within a person’s heart and intentions. The Prophet described a situation where a person stands up to pray, but their intention is not purely for the sake of worshipping Allah alone. Instead, their motivation is to impress or show off to others who may be observing them.

This hadith serves as a reminder to Muslims about the importance of sincerity in worship and the avoidance of showing off or seeking validation from others when performing religious acts. It highlights the significance of maintaining pure intentions and seeking the pleasure of Allah alone in all aspects of worship.