Internal waves & Layer of darkness Quran and Science

📖Quran 24:40
Or ˹their deeds are˺ like the darkness in a deep sea, covered by waves upon waves, topped by ˹dark˺ clouds. Darkness upon darkness! If one stretches out their hand, they can hardly see it. And whoever Allah does not bless with light will have no light!

  • Internal waves are gravity waves that oscillate within a fluid medium, rather than on its surface. To exist, the fluid must be stratified: the density must decrease continuously or discontinuously with depth/height due to changes, for example, in temperature and/or salinity.

Reference: Wikipedia, Internal Wave, 2018

  • The internal waves travel more slowly than surface waves of similar amplitude because the difference in density between two water masses is much less than it is between air and water. The internal waves typically have wavelengths from hundreds of meters to tens of kilometers and have periods from several minutes to several hours. Internal waves are trapped in the pycnocline of stratified oceans.

Reference: Remote Sensing of Ocean Internal Waves: An Overview

Additional Information

The Quran is considered to be a book of signs or “ayahs” by Muslims. The word “ayah” literally means “a sign” or “a miracle” in Arabic. The Quran is believed to contain many signs or miracles, which can be seen as both literal and metaphorical. These signs are believed to provide evidence of the Quran’s divine origin and to serve as guidance for those who read it. Muslims believe that the Quran contains a variety of signs and miracles, such as the creation of the universe, the formation of the human being, and the stories of the prophets.