Is The Earth Flat – Quran and Science

Is The Earth Flat in Quran

The Qur’an, the central religious text of Islam, does not specifically state that the Earth is flat. In fact, the Qur’an contains several verses that suggest a belief in a spherical Earth. For example, the Qur’an states that the Earth is spherical looks like “round, It also describes the Earth as having “upright mountains” that help keep it stable, and it mentions the rising and setting of the Sun and the Moon, which are consistent with a spherical Earth.

📖Quran 79:30
And after that He spread the earth.

  • The Quranic verse Surah An-Nazi’at 79:30 describes the creation of the Earth and the spreading of its surface. The Arabic word “dahaha” is used in this verse, which means to spread, expand or make something wide. The use of this word suggests that the Earth was initially created as a compact object or sphere (39:5), and then its surface was spread out and extended to provide a suitable environment for living beings (Quran 78:6). This interpretation is consistent with scientific understanding of the formation of the Earth, which suggests that the planet was formed through the accretion of dust and gas in the early solar system. Over time, the Earth became more massive and eventually developed a spherical shape due to the force of its own gravity. As the planet cooled down, its surface solidified and formed a crust, which underwent various geological processes that contributed to the creation of different landforms and environments.

Reference: Why Are Planets Round

Here are some more verses from the Quran

The Quran describes the creation of the Earth and its surface in several places using vivid and poetic language to convey its majesty and grandeur. For example, in Surah An-Nazi`at (79:30-32), Allah is described as having “spread out the earth” like a bed (20:53) and “set mountains firmly upon it.” This imagery emphasizes the stability, solidity, beauty, and grandeur of the Earth’s surface. Other verses in the Quran describe the creation of the Earth and its surface as a deliberate act of Allah’s will and power. In Surah Ar-Rahman (55:10-12), the Quran states that Allah “created the earth for all creatures,” and it is filled with abundant and diverse life, including fruits, palm trees, grains with husks, and scented plants. Moreover, Quran 21:31 and 78:7 refers to the surface of the Earth and the mountains that have been placed there to prevent the Earth from shifting. This verse accurately describes the role of mountains in stabilizing the Earth’s crust, making it a remarkable example of the scientific accuracy of the Quran.

Reference: Do Mountains Cause or Prevent Earthquakes

Reference : What is Tectonic Shift

The Movement of Tectonic Plates: Earth’s Surface Spreading

The movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates is a primary cause of the spreading of the Earth’s surface. The tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s crust are constantly moving, driven by convection currents in the mantle below. This movement can cause the plates to separate, collide, or slide past each other, leading to the spreading and shifting of the Earth’s surface. So to rephrase, the statement “the Earth’s surface is spreading out” is a result of the movement of the tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s crust. it is important to note that The movement of tectonic plates and the resulting spreading of the Earth’s surface has been happening since the Earth’s formation. However, the rate and direction of plate movement has varied over time and continues to do so. The study of plate tectonics helps us understand the changes and patterns in the movement of these plates over millions of years.

📖Quran 31:29
Did you not see that Allah makes the night enter into the day, and makes the day enter into the night, and He has subjugated the sun and the moon, each running towards an appointed time, and that Allah is fully aware of what you do?

📖Quran 39:5
He created the heavens and the earth for a purpose. He wraps the night around the day, and wraps the day around the night. And He has subjected the sun and the moon, each orbiting for an appointed term. He is truly the Almighty, Most Forgiving.

  • These verses from the Quran suggest that the Earth is not flat, but rather a spherical object that rotates on its axis, as well as orbits around the sun along with the moon. Additionally, the verses suggest that Allah has control over the movements of the celestial bodies and that everything is done according to an appointed time or term. Additionally, the Quran describes the mountains as pegs that have been “driven into” the Earth (Quran 78:7), which would be consistent with a spherical or oblate spheroid shape for the Earth.

Releted : Does Quran Say that the Earth is Flat

Additional Information 

It is important to note that the Qur’an is not a scientific text and its primary purpose is to provide guidance for believers in their spiritual and moral lives. It’s also important to recognize that the understanding of science and the natural world has evolved over time, and that many of the scientific concepts we take for granted today were not fully understood or accepted in the past.